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Lemuria: The Spirituality & Philosophy of The Motherland of Man

Updated: Jun 7, 2024

“Belief in their one Creator or God and the Oneness of all things was the most fundamental principle underlying the Lemurian philosophy and the one that this civilization wanted to leave as their major legacy to the world.” – Una Marcotte, author of Lemuria: A Civilization Time Forgot 

Colonized map seen by (James) Churchward in Tibetan monastery.

Lemuria (Mu) was a continent of 64 million residents that was in the Pacific Ocean during the pre-ancient world. Lemuria encompassed the present-day Hawaiian Islands, Fiji, Easter Island, the Marinas and other South Pacific islands. Lemuria was deemed as the true “Garden of Eden” that produced the first homo sapiens, who, according to Dr. Rufus O. Jimerson, author of Black Ancestral Atlantis: An Advanced Civilization Lost to Eurocentrism, were Black people who were also short and kinky-haired. The Dogon people of early Kemet (i.e., ancient Egypt), the Zulus and most of the African ethnic groups or tribes below the Sahara claim they originated from Lemuria. The original people of African descendants were founders of early civilizations in Africa such as ancient Kemet, Asia, Asia Minor (including Sumer), the Pacific Islands and America. Lemuria stretched through most of what is now the Pacific Rim, and the Lemurians connected these regions. Lemuria is the parent civilization of the ancient civilizations of Kemet (i.e., ancient Egypt), Sumer, India, China, Aztec, Incas, Mayas, Olmec, Atlantis, and many others.  

“The people that inhabited Mu (Lemuria) like all of South and Central Asia, Oceania and Pacific Rim were like the native Hawaiians and New Zealanders racially. They had Africoid features, dark skin and wooly hair. Therefore, the people of Africoid descent living in Asia and Oceania during prehistoric times probably exceed the number that now lives in Africa.” – Dr. Rufus O. Jimerson

Lemuria or Mu was named after lemurs, which are small mammals that appear similar in appearance to squirrels and monkeys. These primates were abundant in Africa, India, and Malay Archipelago where Black people resided. The Lemurians referred to their homeland as the “Empire of the Sun,” and the inhabitants devoted much of their life to spiritual growth. Their belief system prioritized respect for a higher power and love for each other and the planet. In Lemuria, inner wisdom was prioritized over technology, and knowledge was used to serve these aims rather than for personal aggrandizement. The religion of the Lemurians emphasized a connection with the Higher Self (i.e., an extension of the God energy within and around us).


The Lemurians understood that an energetic connection existed from one human being to another and between humans, plants, and animal life on the planet. They also understood any action performed by one individual impacted everyone and everything else in the world. For this reason, the Lemurians did not consider themselves as individuals, but as part of a group, because during the pre-ancient world, individuality didn’t exist. Separating oneself from other humans and nature was not a concept or a view of life even remotely considered by the pre-ancient Lemurian mind. The Lemurians never took anything from nature that nature wasn’t willing to share with them, because no plant life was ever destroyed, and no animal was ever killed.


Another legacy the Lemurians left behind is their knowledge of the Universal Law known as karma, which many believe came from India through the religions of Hinduism and Buddhism.


According to Una Marcotte, author of Lemuria: A Civilization Time Forgot:

“Although that assumption is correct, the knowledge of karma and its counterpoint, grace, came to India by way of Lemuria.”

The principle behind karma, or the law of cause and effect is that whatever energy or vibration humans put out in the universe through either thought, word, action, or intent returns to them like a boomerang, always returns to the sender. Karma is the return of negative thoughts or actions as well as the positive or harmonious energy humans might project. The Lemurians greatly respected this law of cause and effect, appreciating even the negative karma as they recognized that humans learned from mistakes. In fact, when people in Lemuria complained of the “bad luck” that followed them, others reminded them that it was time to consciously examine their lives and identify the negative patterns in thought or action that attracted this streak of “bad luck.”


The Lemurians expressed gratitude for what they had, what was provided, what they received, or what they learned evolved beyond a philosophy into a way of life for the Lemurians. They also expressed their gratitude for both positive and negative experiences because they believed that negative incidents often ushered in soul growth. Forgiveness amongst the Lemurians was another essential tool and philosophy that brought harmonious living conditions to a Lemurian community. The idea of forgiveness exists to exonerate those who hurt others, either physically, mentally, or emotionally. Whether a person hurt another was done consciously or unconsciously is irrelevant, because physical, mental, or emotional hurt and pain puts out a negative pattern into the Universe and karma goes into effect. To restore balance and attract grace back into one’s life, forgiveness is the key to restoring that harmony. The Lemurians believed that the person who was wronged needs to release and forgive the hurt and include any negative reaction expressed on their part, because without the latter, the process of forgiveness is not complete.  


Trust and surrender were basic philosophical principles that laid the groundwork for feeling safe on the earthplane for the Lemurians. They trusted that the Creator truly loved them while they were living on earth. Because of this strong belief in the Creator, the Lemurians were able to surrender and trust that whatever flowed in and out of their lives was meant to be. They also felt it was unnecessary for them to control things or force the flow towards a predictable outcome. By accepting that everything was perfect and as it should be in their lives, fear-based emotions such as anger, envy, revenge, or hate did not have a place in the Lemurians thought processes and did not exist within their range of emotions. If someone in the community had a problem, the Lemurians considered it arrogant if anyone wanted to rescue and fix that person’s problem. The Lemurian’s believed that consulting one’s inner knowing or intuition was the way to solve whatever was causing disharmony. The Lemurian community allowed people to find their own solutions to their problems in their own perfect time. No one attempted to control or manipulate anyone while they sought ways to transform their disharmony. No one was ever told what to do or think.


The Lemurians were non-judgmental people because their philosophical point was that no human could really know what resided in another human’s heart unless that life was experienced completely. Since this was impossible to do, the Lemurians deemed no judgement should be made towards others. Instead, they chose to extend compassion to one another, which is a much healthier attitude than judgement. In Lemuria, no one or nothing belonged to another because the Lemurians practiced unconditional love. The Lemurians belief that every person and all things existed to benefit one another and could not co-exist with the belief of ownership. Even when a male and female decided to commit to one another, the decision did not imply ownership of the individual to another. Also, no job or occupation was considered more important than another. Although the members of the Council of Elders were held in high esteem, the council members were not considered above anyone else. This belief in equality also made the practice of unconditional love an easier task for the Lemurians. 


The Atlanteans contributed to the fall of the Lemurian civilization, and the Lemurians never blamed the Atlanteans for intruding into their continent and into their lives. Atlantean transgressions continued for years and included detaining members of the Lemurian Council of Elders in Atlantis, even swaying Lemurian youths away from the Lemurian way of life and enticing many of them to leave their motherland. Surprisingly, the Lemurians never judged the Atlanteans on their conduct, never blamed them for the negative vibrations they brought to Lemuria, and continued to treat them as they would treat one of their own, which was with unconditional love. In the world of Lemuria, no one experienced separation, loneliness, or abandonment. This constant state of grace took little effort from the Lemurians, but it allowed their “peace and love” civilization to exist spiritually for hundreds of thousands of years. Unfortunately, this Lemurian way of life ended when the Atlanteans arrived on the shores of Lemuria.

“Early Muvians (Lemurians) experienced no crime, no disease, no pollution and no threats to their lifestyles.” – Dr. Rufus O. Jimerson

Colonized map seen by (James) Churchward in Tibetan monastery – with closeup on Amazonian Sea

“Even after the Lemurian homeland disappeared under the Pacific Ocean, the Atlanteans continued to pay tribute to the Lemurians by venerating their philosophy until the love worship of science, their greed, and their love of power superseded their worship of the Creator, resulting in the loss of respect for one another and nature.” – Una Marcotte


Churchward, J. New Findings Concerning the Amazonian Sea. blog. March 26, 2017. Feb. 10, 2024. 

Jimerson, R. Black Ancestral Atlantis: An Advanced Civilization Lost to Eurocentrism. Dr. Rufus O. Jimerson. May 11, 2022. Feb. 10, 2024. p. 9-11, 14-16.  

Marcotte, U. Lemuria: A Civilization Time Forgot. Balboa Press. (October 25, 2018). Feb. 10, 2024. p. Cover, 71-75, 77-78, 80.  

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