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Darryl and Cole Comparison 

I was at Loma Linda Children's Hospital (Loma Linda, CA) hooked up to an IV pole with my Grandmother and Uncle by my bedside; similar to Cole (inFAMOUS videogame franchise) who was also in the hospital hooked up to an IV pole with his girlfriend Trish and best friend Zeke by his bedside.

In 1999, this photo was taken of me when I was 14 years old, and the other image I lifted from the original inFAMOUS, which was released in 2009.

Sometimes, superheroes don’t exist only in movies and video games. Sometimes, a Cole MacGrath is actually real and walking around. 

CalmandStrong: Presentation Part 2

Yoruba Orisha Ochosi and Early Yoruba Civilization: 2024 

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Yoruba mythology is a rich tradition from West Africa. Yoruba myths share stories of gods, heroes, and the power of nature. Ochosi is the Yoruba god of hunting and archery.


To find out more about Yoruba Orisha Ochosi and early Yoruba civilization in ancient and medieval West Africa, click here:

Who Were the Original Native Americans? 2024

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“It would be an irony, indeed, to find that Americans ‘discovered’ Europe many centuries before Europeans ‘discovered’ America. But the whole notion of any race (European, African, or American) discovered a full-blown civilization is absurd. Such notions should now be abandoned once and for all. They presume some innate superiority in the ‘discoverer’ and something inferior and barbaric in the people ‘discovered.’ These notions run through the works even of pioneers like Wiener, Cauvet and Jeffreys. What I have sought to prove is not that Africans ‘discovered’ America, but that they made contact on at least half a dozen occasions, two of which were culturally significant for Americans.” – Dr. Ivan Van Sertima, author of They Came Before Columbus: The African Presence in Ancient America

To find out more about the history of ancient America before the so-called “discovery” by Christopher Columbus, click here:
 Who Were the Original Native Americans?

The Ancient Egypt and Songhai Empire Connection: Sophisticated University Kingdoms of Africa: 2024

“If Blacks of today want to measure the distance to the heights from which they have fallen, they need go no farther than Nowe (Thebes).” – Dr. Chancellor Williams


“Thus politically, but far more intellectually, was Songhay (Songhai) restored to its ancient position as a child of Egypt.” – Flora L. Shaw (Lady Lugard)


To find out more about the sophisticated university kingdoms of ancient and medieval Africa, click here: The Ancient Egypt and Songhai Empire Connection: Sophisticated University Kingdoms of Africa

The Return of the Yoruba Nation: 2024

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“The Yoruba religion is the science of allowing God to flow through you, so that each breath becomes a prayer, and as God breathes, you breathe.” – John Mason


To find out more about the industrious Yoruba people and Yorubaland before their country became a part of present-day Nigeria, and parts of Benin Republic and Togo Republic in West Africa, click here: The Return of the Yoruba Nation

A Journey to my Motherland: Part I: Yorubaland and The Great Benin Empire: 2024

“To keep the picture as clear as possible, we have to keep on remembering that at various periods in ancient times, the ‘Land of the Blacks’ meant all Ethiopia, all Ethiopia meant all Africa, and all Blacks were Africans or Ethiopians or Thebans, etc.” – Dr. Chancellor Williams, author of The Destruction of Black Civilization: Great Issues of a Race From 4500 B.C. to 2000 A.D.


To find out more about the lifestyle and history of Black people during ancient and medieval Africa before foreign invasions, click here: A Journey to my Motherland: Alkebu-lan (Africa): Land of the Spirit People

A Journey to my Motherland: Part I: Yorubaland and The Great Benin Empire: 2024

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“All evidence from the traditions of most of these Yoruba kingdoms emphasize the attractiveness of Benin. Benin was, to them (the Yoruba people), a Yoruba kingdom whose common citizens happened to speak a non-Yoruba language.” – Dr. Stephen Adebanji Akintoye, author of A History of the Yoruba People


To find out more about the origins of the cultural relationship between the Yoruba and Edo peoples of West Africa, click here: A Journey to my Motherland: Part I: Yorubaland and The Great Benin Empire

Lemuria: The Spirituality & Philosophy of The Motherland of Man: 2024

“Belief in their one Creator or God and the Oneness of all things was the most fundamental principle underlying the Lemurian philosophy and the one that this civilization wanted to leave as their major legacy to the world.” – Una Marcotte, author of Lemuria: A Civilization Time Forgot 


To find out more about the Spirituality and Philosophy of Lemuria (The Motherland of Man) that was once a continent in the Pacific Ocean during pre-ancient times, click here: Lemuria: The Spirituality & Philosophy of The Motherland of Man

African Medicine: Yoruba Spiritualty & Philosophy: 2024

“Traditional African medicine was, and is, effective in healing disease. Right diet, healthy lifestyle, and spiritualty are essential ingredients for recovery, whether in modern medicine of traditional healing. Root doctors provided the authority in our community in which such principles were grounded and preserved. This deep legacy continues to affect us.” – Dr. Tariq M. Sawandi, PhD, author of African Medicine: A Guide to Yoruba Divination and Herbal Medicine: A Complete Guide to Yoruba Healing Science and African Herbal Remedies


To find out more about the Yoruba (African) Spiritual and Philosophical practices before the Transatlantic slave trade, click here: African Medicine 

Buddhism in the Modern World: 2024

“Buddha is considered the Enlightened One, Blessed One, or to Become awake.” – Dr. Rufus O. Jimerson

To find out more about how Buddhism can contribute to a more compassionate and socially just world, click here: Buddhism in the Modern World 

Kemetic Diet: How to Become Ausar-Like: 2024

The myth of Ausar (i.e., Osiris) was the earliest recorded story of a godman who was symbolically crucified, resurrected from death and reigned eternally in heaven. The people of the Nile Valley believed if they lived righteously, in harmony with the teachings of Ausar, they would inherit eternal life.

To find out more about the Kemetic Diet and becoming Ausar-Like, click here: Kemetic Diet: How to Become Ausar-Like

The Asante Educational System before the coming of the Western (European) Educational System: 2024

Before the formal introduction of the Western (European) Educational System to the Asante Empire (present-day Ghana, West Africa), the Asantes had three main types of schooling, which included: Apprenticeship from Parents, Community Organized Education, and Specialized Education.


Twi (Akan Dialect): “Obi nnim ɔbrempɔn ahyɛase.”


English Translation: “Nobody knows the beginning of a great man.”

To find out more about the Asante Educational System before European conquest and colonization of present-day Ghana, click here: Education in the Asante Empire 

The Influential West African Empire of Ife during Medieval Times: 2023

“One of the most considerable countries of the Sudan, and their sultan, one of the greatest sultans.” – Famous Historian of the Medieval World, Ibn Battuta


To find out more about the influential Ife Empire of medieval West Africa, click here: The Influential West African Empire of Ife during Medieval Times 

The Beginnings of Humanity: Straight Outta Africa (Alkebu-lan: Land of the Spirit People): 2023

 “For some 600,000 years, Africa and Africans led the world.” – Lerone Bennett, author of Before the Mayflower: A History of the Negro in America 1619-1962 

To find out more about the beginnings of humanity in Africa, click here:  The Beginnings of Humanity: Straight Outta Africa (Alkebu-lan: Land of the Spirit People)

Vocal Article: 2023

Silent Genocide in the Heart of Africa: The Congo

“As we express our solidarity with the Palestinian people, let us also lend our voices in support of the people of the Democratic Republic of Congo.” - @bello___a, via authentic_african, Instagram


To find out more about the history of the Congo (Kongo) and its silent genocide, click here: Silent Genocide in Congo

Children of the Sun: The Importance of Melanin for Black People: 2023

Queen Tiye of Ancient Kemet (Eygpt) 

“They were ‘Children of the Sun’ blessed with blackness by the Sun God himself and thus protected from his fiery rays. They were his children. Their very blackness, therefore, was religious, a blessing and an honor.” - Dr. Chancellor Williams


To find out more about the benefits of melanin for Black people, click here: Children of the Sun: The Importance of Melanin for Black People

The Magical Land of Lemuria: 2023

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You may have heard of the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Babylonia, India, and the Maya Civilization, but have you ever heard of the pre-ancient civilization of Lemuria?

To find out more about the “Motherland of Man” that was once located in the Pacific Ocean during pre-ancient times, click here: The Magical Land of Lemuria

The Fabled Kingdom of Timbuktu (West Africa): 2023

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“… The first, and perhaps the most important fact is that the general enslavement of Africans, proclaimed to the world as savages, began during the very period and in the very West Africa in the center of which one of the great universities of the world and other colleges were located.” ― “The Black Revival of Learning,” p. 247

To find out more about the fabled kingdom of Timbuktu of medieval West Africa, click here: The Fabled Kingdom of Timbuktu (West Africa)

Vocal Article: 2023

The Love Kingdom: Paradise on Earth

“For nothing seems clearer from ancient records than that the whole ancient world knew of nothing more ancient than the black man’s civilization.” – Anonymous


To find out more about the ancient and prosperous Love Kingdom in West Africa, click here: The Love Kingdom: Paradise on Earth 

The Enlightened Ones of the Medieval and Ancient World: King Oduduwa & The Buddha: 2023 

To find out more about Priest and Warrior King Oduduwa of the Ife Kingdom (Yorubaland, West Africa), & the Buddha (Holy Man) of the Indus Valley Civilization (South Asia), click here: The Enlightened Ones of the Medieval and Ancient World: King Oduduwa & The Buddha

Vocal Article: 2023

The Mandinka Province of Senegambia: The Kaabu Empire


“I herby place all Kaabu in the palm of my right hand and I place it on my shoulder. If my palm does not break, and my shoulder does not crumble, I will lead well the whole Kaabu – from Batamari to Koseimari, from Manakan to Sonkonia Tendinnyoto.” – Janky Wally, the last Mansa (King) of the Kaabu Empire

To find out more about the Kaabu Empire of West Africa, click here: Kaabu Empire 

Vocal Article: 2022

King Jayavarman VII: The Compassionate Warrior King of the Khmer Empire

“Let me assure that the Kingdom of Cambodia, a country with independence, neutrality, peace, freedom, democracy and human rights as you all have seen, shall be existing with no end.” – Hun Sen


To find out more about King Jayavarman VII, and the Great Khmer Empire of Southeast Asia, click here: King Jayavarman VII

Vocal Article: 2022 

Music as a Healing Force in Ancient and Medieval Africa

The ancient Kemites (ancient Egyptians) knew that certain forms of music are conducive to peace, relaxation, and harmony. This kind of music is suitable for promoting the healing and health maintenance process.


To find out more about this African healing process through music, click here:

The Songhai:  

The Last Great Empire of West Africa before the Transatlantic Slave Trade: 2022

“Thus politically, but far more intellectually, was Songhay (Songhai) restored to its ancient position as a child of Egypt (Kemet).” – Flora Shaw (Lady Lugard), A Tropical Dependency, p. 185


Enter West Africa's last great empire during medieval times, click here: The Songhai: The Last Great Empire of West Africa before the Transatlantic slave trade

The Greatness of Black India: 

The Dravido-Harappans of the Indus Valley Civilization: 2022

The Indus Valley Civilization was founded by the Dravido-Harappan people and is one of the world’s largest and oldest civilizations. 


To find out more about this magnificent Indo-African civilization during ancient times, click here: The Greatness of Black India: The Dravido-Harappans of the Indus Valley Civilization

The Great Oyo Empire: 2022

The Great Oyo Empire (West Africa). By the 18th century, the Great Oyo Empire (Yoruba) was the largest ever in the history of the tropical forests and grasslands of West Africa south of the Great Niger River. 


To find out more about the Great Oyo Empire, click here: The Great Oyo Empire

The Beginnings of the Yoruba: 2022 

So monumental was the role of Ooni (King) Oduduwa of the Ife Kingdom that popular traditions and legends elevated him to the pedestal as the father of the Yoruba people, all people of the world, and he was crowned as the first person to walk the earth.


To find out more about the Great Ife Kingdom and King Oduduwa of West Africa, click here: The Beginnings of the Yoruba

Vocal Article: 2021

CalmandStrong: Ife-Daro 


What are your top four favorite music albums of all-time that best represent your personality? Which songs would you pick from your favorite albums to create your perfect album? What would be the title of your album? 


To read more about how I created my perfect album from my top four music artists and albums, click here: CalmandStrong: Ife Daro

Vocal Article: 2021

When We Ruled: The Importance of African Identity: The Yoruba and Edo


Yoruba kings and queens were supreme rulers in the prosperous country of Yorubaland in West Africa during medieval times, along with Great Benin. Yoruba kingdoms and Great Benin had their own forms of governments, laws, booming economies, political order, and military infrastructure. 


To read more about a few prominent Yoruba people that Yorubaland produced, along with Great Benin before the coming of European conquest and colonization, click here:  When We Ruled: The Importance of African Identity: The Yoruba and Edo

Vocal Article: 2021

The Wonders of the Ife Kingdom 

The Ife’s are an Yoruboid-speaking people from West Africa who are also ancient, originally spiritual, and highly advanced creatively and artistically. To find out more about the Ife Yoruba-subgroup, click here: The Wonders of the Ife Kingdom

Black Magic: Re-Introducing Just-Us: Part II 

I’m currently working on my second book. A historical fiction novel entitled, “Black Magic: Justice, Rebirth & Love." Are you interested in reading the first chapter? click here: "Black Magic: Re-Introducing Just-Us: Part II"

2018: A Year in Review 

Blu & Exile: Liked Tweets: 2018

To check out my blog about the greatness of Hip-Hop duo Blu & Exile, click here: Blu & Exile: The Reflection of Music, like the Sky, is the Reflection of the Ocean 

Vocal Staff Pick Article: 2018

Hidden Figures: Inventions You Didn’t Know Were Created by African-Americans


To check out my Vocal article about how African-Americans contributed to mankind with their innovative and creative inventions, click here: Vocal

Sony Santa Monica Studio Director Cory Barlog and Kratos Voice Actor Christopher Judge of God of War Liked Tweet: 2018

To check out how I enjoyed Kratos’ redemption story in God of War (PS4), click here: God of War: New Adventure, New Mythology & New Kratos?

Digable Planets: Doodlebug Liked and Retweet: 2018  

To check out my Vocal article about the underrated Jazz fused Hip-Hop group Digable Planets, click here: Digable Planets: Peace Be the Greeting of the Insect Tribe

CalmandStrong Book Image

Vocal Staff Pick Article: 2018

What is Fair Justice? Stephon Clark vs. Dylann Roof

To check out my Vocal article about the differences of how the United States justice system treated Stephon Clark and Dylann Roof, click here: Vocal

CalmandStrong Book Banner

Toastmasters International Advanced Communicator Bronze Certificate: 2018

CalmandStrong Print Front and Back Book Cover: 2018

CalmandStrong Poster: 2018 

2017: A Year in Review 

Web Traffic from Visitors Around the World: 2017

Blu & Exile: Liked Tweets: 2017

To check out how Nas, The Pharcyde, and Blu & Exile helped me believe "Nothing is More Powerful Than a Made up Mind," click here: CalmandStrong Music 

New Prosthetic Leg: 2017

Loma Linda Children's Hospital Appreciating my Service of Completing 221 Volunteer Hours: 2017 

Toastmasters at CSUSB: 10th Advanced Manuals: Retrospective: 2017

The Journey Begins... 

Toastmasters at CSUSB: 9th Advanced Manuals: Rise: 2017

Toastmasters at CSUSB: Table Topics Award: 2017

The Pharcyde: Bootie Brown Liked Tweet: 2017 

To check out how the healing power of Hip-Hop music from The Pharcyde and Nas has helped me during and after my cancer diagnosis as a teenager, click here: The Healing Power of Hip-Hop Music 

Toastmasters at CSUSB: 7th Advanced Manuals: Investigation Discovery: Hear No Evil: 2017

Toastmasters at CSUSB: 6th Advanced Manuals: The Connection: 2017

Loma Linda Children's Hospital Volunteer Services Wishing me a Happy Birthday: 2017

Sucker Punch Productions Co-Founder and Producer of inFAMOUS Brian Fleming Tweet Reply: 2017 

To check out how inFAMOUS' Cole MacGrath helped me believe "Nothing is More Powerful Than a Made up Mind," click here: inFAMOUS 2: UGC: Digital Inspiration from Cole MacGrath 

The American Cancer Society: Relay for Life: 2017

The Pharcyde: Bootie Brown and Imani Liked Tweets: 2017

To check out why The Pharcyde is my favorite Hip-Hop group, click here: CalmandStrong: Creativity of the Pharcyde 

Toastmasters at CSUSB: 5th Advanced Manuals: Creativity of The Pharcyde: 2017

CSULB: Journalism and Public Relations Day: 2017

Toastmasters at CSUSB: Table Topics Award: 2017

A Year in Review: 2016

Toastmasters at CSUSB: 1st Advanced Manuals: Bloody Mary: 2016

Stupid Cancer Blog Tweet: 2016

Toastmasters International Competent Communicator Certificate: 2016

Stupid Cancer: OMG! Summit West: 2016

Startup Grind: Powered by Google for Entrepreneurs SoCal Conference: 2016

Loma Linda Children's Hospital Child Life Volunteer Certificate: 2016

I donated a PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PlayStation 3 with games to Loma Linda Children's Hospital: 2016

Loma Linda Nurses

Oct. 2015:

One of the nurses that took care of me at Loma Linda Children's Hospital (Loma Linda, CA) from 1999 to 2000 and 2002 to 2003 when I was 14 and 17 years old.

Oct. 2015:

One of the nurses that took care of me at Loma Linda Children's Hospital (Loma Linda, CA) from 1999 to 2000 and 2002 to 2003 when I was 14 and 17 years old.

California State University, Long Beach Bachelor of Arts Degree in Journalism, and a Minor in Africana Studies: 2012

NBA Point Guard Jason Kidd Autograph Photo: 2001

Basketball Knee Brace and Ankle Boot: 2000

Darryl and Garland "Corky" Bell: Debbie Chisholm Memorial Foundation: 1999


I do not own any content from the images displayed from inFAMOUS (2009), inFAMOUS 2 (2011) and PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royal (2012).

I do not own any content from the image from inFAMOUS 2 Festival of Blood. No Copyright Intended. All inFAMOUS 2 Festival of Blood content is copyright to their respective owners.

inFAMOUS 2 Festival of Blood content is property of Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE), developed by Sucker Punch Productions.

No Copyright Intended. All image content is copyright to their respective owners. All content is property of Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE), developed by Sucker Punch Productions, SuperBot Entertainment, Bluepoint Games, in conjunction with SCE Santa Monica Studio.

I don't own any content from the image displayed from Victor Valley College.

No Copyright Intended. All image content is copyright to their respective owners. All content is property of Victor Valley College. 


I don't own any content from the image displayed from California State University, Long Beach.


No Copyright Intended. All image content is copyright to their respective owners. All content is property of California State University, Long Beach.


I don’t own the images displayed from Ratchet and Clank (PS4), Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End and The Last Guardian.

No Copyright Intended. All Ratchet and Clank (PS4), Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End and The Last Guardian are copyright to their respective owners.

All Ratchet and Clank (PS4) content is property of Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE), developed by Insomniac Games.


All Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End content is property of Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE), developed by Naughty Dog.

All The Last Guardian content is property of Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE), SCE Japan Studio and developed by genDESIGN.

I do not own any content from the images displayed from Nas' Stillmatic album cover, The Pharcyde's Labcabincalifornia album cover and Blu & Exile’s More Out of Life instrumental track.


No Copyright Intended. All image and song content is copyright to their respective owners. All Rights go to Nas, The Pharcyde and Blu & Exile.

Blu & Exile, Perf. Blu (Barnes, Johnson) and Exile (Manfredi, Aleksander). Give Me My Flowers While I Can Still Smell Them. More Out of Life. Blu & Exile. Dirty Science, Fat Beats Records. 2012. MP3.


Jones, N, Perf. Jones, N. Cond. R. Scott, J. Neal, J. Bynoe, N. Walden, and B. Hull (Hangmen 3 Productions). Stillmatic (The Intro). Nas. Ill Will,Columbia/SME, 2001. MP3.

I don’t own any content from the Debbie Chisholm Memorial Foundation. No Copyright Intended. All image is copyright to their respective owners. All content is property of Debbie Chisholm Memorial Foundation.

Darryl Richie and Garland "Corky" Bell Picture courtesy of Debbie Chisholm Memorial Foundation.

Darryl Richie and Garland “Corky” Bell Picture. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 May 2017.


I don't own any content from the image displayed from Toastmasters at CSUSB.


No Copyright Intended. All image content is copyright to their respective owners. All content is property of Toastmasters at CSUSB.

I don’t own any content and images from Investigation Discovery: Hear No Evil.


No Copyright Intended. All image content is copyright to their respective owners. All rights go to Investigation Discovery.

Pena, Jessica. Investigation Discovery Logo Image. Digital image. TV Series Finale. TV Series Finale, 15 Dec. 2016. Web. 2 June 2017. Colin Kaepernick: I'll Continue to Sit for National Anthem. September 12, 2017. September 12, 2017.


Rosenberg, M. Why Is Colin Kaepernick Still Looking for a Job?. March 30, 2017. September 12, 2017.

Nas logo. Digital image. Brands of t