On Dec. 12th, I volunteered at Loma Linda Children’s Hospital and came across a fellow volunteer who I met earlier in the year. She is also a young adult two-time cancer survivor and she told me about an organization called “Stupid Cancer” (Stupid Cancer is an organization that focuses on young adult cancer patients, survivors and caregivers).
When we crossed paths this Monday, I told her I went to the Stupid Cancer Conference that was in Orange, CA. I thanked her for telling me about Stupid Cancer because it was an experience that I didn’t know existed, but desperately needed.
While volunteering, we talked about our experience with cancer and how we dealt with the deadly disease at such young ages.
She also gave me a list of other organizations that help cancer survivors like ourselves and other cancer survivors in general. For instance, the organizations are:
• Send it
• First Descent
• A Fresh Chapter
• Athletes for Cancer
• Epic
• Sam Fund
• Cassie Hines Shoes Cancer Foundation
• Transportation
I also met a new teenager patient and he happens to be very artistic which I thought was amazing! I could tell he is passionate because of the way he talks about drawing and being creative.
Last week I told a friend of mine that I was going to donate three more PlayStation 4 games to the Loma Linda Children’s Hospital Playroom (Earlier this year, I donated a PlayStation 4 with two games, Xbox One with two games and a PlayStation 3 with three games).
I told her I wanted to donate three games that came out this year and I enjoyed. The idea of donating more games to the playroom came from my experience with a game entitled, “The Last Guardian.” The game instantly became one of my favorite games of all-time, and I wanted to share the experience with others.
The Last Guardian is a very artistic game about solving puzzles and defeating enemies while trying to escape from a castle-like environment. I’m not sure if this teen patient I met is into videogames, but if he is. I know he will appreciate Lead Designer and Director Fumito Ueda’s artistic vision that is “The Last Guardian.”
When I brought up the idea of donating the videogames, my friend expressed interest in collaborating and getting the games together.
Check out the images of the games we are going to donate below for the children and teenager cancer patients on Monday, Dec. 19th below:
* On Dec. 13th and 15th, a friend introduced me to his mentors and it was a great experience meeting them. I’m appreciative with the knowledge they shared with me.
* I gave some people my business cards and once I told them I am a two-time cancer survivor. They all congratulated me on being alive, not to give up on my vison and to keep moving forward.
I don’t own the images displayed from Ratchet and Clank (PS4), Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End and The Last Guardian.
No Copyright Intended. All Ratchet and Clank (PS4), Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End and The Last Guardian are copyright to their respective owners.
All Ratchet and Clank (PS4) content is property of Sony Interactive Entertainment, developed by Insomniac Games.
All Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End content is property of Sony Interactive Entertainment, developed by Naughty Dog.
All The Last Guardian content is property of Sony Interactive Entertainment, SCE Japan Studio and developed by genDESIGN.