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Volunteering and Inspirational Music

I finished all the requirements needed to officially become a volunteer at Loma Linda Hospital. My first day of training is October 12, and I’m excited to get started so I could help others with my inspirational story.

The requirement process consisted of interviews, orientation and I had to take two TB-tests because I’m personally going to be around children and teenagers. I live in Victorville, CA and in a two week period I had to drive to Loma Linda to take a TB-test.

The drive from Victorville to Loma Linda is about 45 minutes and the TB-test took no longer than a few seconds once I was called into the back of the doctor’s office. I was determined to wake up early during this two week period because I knew this was the last step before I could officially volunteer at the hospital.

I am always thinking my presentation and what I could do to make it better because I believe there is always room for improvement. On Saturday, September 12, I was thinking about how I needed something to wear that has depth and means something to me while I present my message to people.

Everything I do that has something to do with CalmandStrong is calculated and I think everything I do through before I put my ideas into action. On my website, I have a music tab with three songs from Hip-Hop artists Nas, The Pharcyde and Blu & Exile. I talk about how their songs and albums affected different time periods of my life.

I decided to buy three wristbands with connection to my three favorite music artists. On my wristbands, I’m going to have the artist’s name, the title of my favorite song from them and the color of the wristbands are the same as their album covers.

For instance, all my wristbands are color core which are two prominent colors that are from the album cover. My Nas wristband is white on the outside and dark blue on the inside which is the same color as Nas’ Stillmatic album cover, and the song title “Stillmatic (The Intro).”

My Pharcyde wristband is blue on the outside and yellow on the inside which is the same color as their Labcabincalifornia album cover, and the song title “Runnin’.” My Blu & Exile wristband is black on the outside and red on the inside which is the same as their Give Me My Flowers While I Could Still Smell Them album cover, and the song title “More out of Life.”

I will defiantly wear these wristbands all the time, but especially when I’m speaking in front of an audience. In my PowerPoint presentation, I am using Nas’ “Stillmatic (The Intro)” and The Pharcyde’s “Runnin’.” I tried my best to insert Blu & Exile’s “More out of Life” into the arrangement, but I couldn’t because it disrupted the flow of the presentation.

Since I wasn’t able to use Blu & Exile in my presentation. I made a promise to myself, if there is ever a bio picture made about my life, Blu & Exile’s “More out of Life” will be the song that will play when the credits roll.

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