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Why Are You Doing This?

On Oct. 25th, I came across a YouTube channel that I’m subscribed to entitled, “TheAdviseShowTV.” The host talked about a story that was posted today and it touched me emotionally and I felt like I should give my opinion on the situation.

The story is entitled, “Teen’s Leg Amputated After Teacher Body Slam Student 3 Times.” You could check out the video on YouTube here.

The story is about a 13-year-old teenage student from Georgia who had to get his right leg amputated because his teacher slammed him onto the concrete three times. The teen’s Mother said her son got injured when he got into a confrontation with a contract employee.

His Mother explained that she noticed that her son was struggling to get off the bus, and she asked him what was wrong, and he said his teacher slammed him on the ground. His Mother took him in the house, laid him on the couch, looked at his leg and his knee was out of place.

The boy’s mother took her son to the emergency room, and she was told her son’s knee was shifted out of place, and several ligaments wore torn among other injuries.

The school system told the news reporter that the contract employee involved in the situation was not one of their employees, and they released this statement:

• “(The employee) was provided by Mentoring and Behavioral Sciences, a contract service provided to the Muscogee County School District. (The employee) is not presently providing services to the Muscogee County School District”

- Spokesperson Valerie Fuller

The Attorney representing the family of the teenage student said, “No amount of discipline in the world would justify the outcome in this particular case. Slamming a 13-year old boy’s body to a concreate floor on three separate occasions when he is obviously in pain is ridiculous. To compound their mistakes, no one thought to render any medical assistance to this boy.”

When this story unfolded before my eyes, I realized what I’m doing as an inspirational speaker is way bigger than me. It’s about sharing my story to help people who endured unnecessary and unfortunate situations like what happened to this young 13-year old boy.

Now because of this unfortunate situation, this teen is forced to move on with his life being a leg amputee. I became a hip amputee as a teenager also (I lost my right leg to knee cancer at 17 years old, and I’m 31 years old now).

Believe me when I say it is not easy going through a life changing event knowing u had two legs, then all the sudden a limb must get amputated.

From my experience, I could help teens and young adults who had to get a limb (especially a leg) amputated because I’ve been a hip amputee for 13 years now, and I know how they are feeling and what they are going through.

For instance, this teenager is going to experience phantom pain, which is extreme pain where his right leg was amputated. Although his leg is no longer there, the nerve endings will continue to send tingling, cramping, heat and cold pain signals to his brain and it will make him feel like his right leg is still there, but nothing is there in reality.

This story made me realize my vison is not all about me, but to use my story to help others from my experience. I want to share my experiences and realities, and share what God has allowed to happen to me. I believe God knew I was strong enough to overcome this adversity, but only with the help from a higher power, which is God himself.

I’m not immune to bad breaks in life, but I understand even though things could look dreadful at times. God lets situations happen for a reason, and I accept that if something wasn’t meant to be, I don’t dwell on it too much. I believe God closes a chapter in my life to bring something better in my future that I could’ve never imagined.

I’m still in the learning process of not comparing myself to others, because what I must go through on an everyday basis is far from what is considered normal, but I deal with it the best way I could with minimal complaints.

Although I feel very sorry and sympathetic for the 13-year old boy who had to get his right leg amputated. I’m sure he will be alright because he is a warrior like myself. For example, If God didn’t think he could handle this adversity at such a young age, this wouldn’t have happened the way it did.

This story opened-up my eyes and expanded my consciousness. I’m not giving up on the gift that is the seed that God has planted within my soul. I feel like I’m in the slow blooming stages of breaking free and I’m looking forward to show the world what I offer.

A special shout out to “TheAdviseShowTV” on YouTube for posting this story. This story inspired me to not give up on what’s in my heart, help others by sharing my experiences and to keep moving forward with my mission of being an Inspirational Speaker.

“Desire trumps talent. You must have a relentless commitment as well an interest in speaking on your topic.” – Patricia Fripp, Keynote Speaker and Executive Speech Coach

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YouTube video courtesy of TheAdviseShowTV

I don’t own any content from TheAdviseShowTV. No Copyright Intended. All content is property of TheAdviseShowTV.

Teen's Leg Amputated After Teacher Body Slam Student 3 Times. Perf. TheAdviseShowTV. YouTube/Teen's Leg Amputated After Teacher Body Slam Student 3 Times. YouTube, 25 Oct. 2016. Web. 25 Oct. 2016.

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