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I'm Not the Only One

On Aug. 1st, I volunteered at Loma Linda Children’s Hospital and I met a new volunteer and it was her first day. When our shift was over, we began talking and I told her that I was a two-time cancer survivor and I did my chemotherapy on the same floor where we volunteered. She then told me that she was also a two-time cancer survivor.

I couldn’t believe it and I told her that she was the first person around my age that was similar to me: being two-time cancer survivor. She explained to me that there was not many of us, but it’s good to come across somebody who have overcome similar adversities.

She told me about an organization called “Stupid Cancer,” a non-profit organization which has become the largest US-based charity that addresses young adult cancer through research, support and awareness. Link to website:

When I told her I was an inspirational speaker and gave her one of my business cards. She said I should contact the organization because they may be looking for speakers.

I never would have known that she was also a two-time cancer survivor if I never would have talked to her. She went through the chemotherapy process twice, similar to me and is now healthy. I am happy I crossed paths with her, and hope to see her again during one of the other volunteer shifts.

* While volunteering, all the volunteers were playing the game “Jenga” with two patients. One of the patients said he was scared because his hair was going to fall out. When our shift was over, the new volunteer said to me that she knew how the patient was feeling because she was once in his shoes.

*It was almost surreal for me to hear somebody else have the same emotions and feelings that I’ve been having since I started volunteering almost a year ago. I’m definitely happy we crossed paths.

* I e-mailed Stupid Cancer and told them about my story. I explained that my goal was to inspire teens and young adults (especially cancer patients) with my story. I got a response saying that they received my e-mail, and they will get back to me shortly.

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